OTJ Authors

Michael Dease

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Michael Dease received a Bachelor of Music and a Master of Music from The Juilliard School. He has recorded with the likes of Alicia Keys, Paul Simon, Luis Miguel, and has been featured with the big bands of Jimmy Heath, Illinois Jacquet, and Wynton Marsalis. Visit him on the web at

OTJ Reviews


Complete Vocalises for Trombone: A Review

By Michael Dease • September 23, 2021
It is worth the price of the book to read Mulcahy's persuasive insights to evergreen performance topics such as legato playing, interpretation, and ornamentation.



Jazz Improv Materials Handbook Complete: A Review

By Michael Dease • January 30, 2008
Rich Willey utilizes his considerable experience asa performer, composer and pedagogue to craft the Jazz Improv Materials Handbook, one of the more practical jazz methods in publication.



Traveling Hard: A Review

By Michael Dease • January 24, 2008
The Robert Bachner Quintet's second album features five highly sensitive, well-versed musicians putting the music first. This recording would make a fine addition to your collection, and serves as a firm reminder that jazz music is alive and well in Austria.